I love old children's books, but the most entertaining to me are the textbooks and the illustrated learning series kind. The 50's to early 60's were an interesting time for growing up and I've got the books to prove it. These two books are part of a "community helpers series," with covers that sport surprisingly great designs and color. Busy Office, Busy People has the better illustrations, with the art credited to Charles Lynch. What Can Money Do? is illustrated by Kevin Royt, but the style is rougher and does not have that tighter line quality you find in Lynch's work.
Hope you enjoy. There'll be more soon.
Hmm... by looking at those covers, one can assume that child labor was a common practice in the 1950's. People also had very simple features. ;)
ReplyDeleteCool stuff Ward.
You can tell that the people who created this material were REALLY concerned with diversity! Hee hee...
ReplyDeleteAs an illustrator, I dig looking back at old illustrations like this. One interesting thing I've noticed in doing some research on the Revolution is that most illustrations from the 50's depicting the Revolution show white men--all barrel chested, aryan-looking with blong hair and square jaws. It's an interesting study in how social climates influence the ways that illustrators visualize history... I hope that makes sense...
I understand what you're saying, James and I completely agree. How we look at history and historical events almost always are tainted with a current mindset. (But what you're doing with that children's book is right on! Keep it up!)
ReplyDeleteYou all should see what's inside these books, as all the women have jobs as secretary, file clerk, typist, etc. There is one woman shown as "factory worker," so there was still some hope, but the damage has already been done. You know, I'll scan some of the insides and post them up, as they are pretty interesting. And thus, you see why I love these books!
I noticed this is an art blog. I'm not a pro or anything but I have an art blog at
I like to draw Disney style, but I would never copy a character and say its "my art." I get ideas from characters. I made one of my own the other day. LOL I named the character 'Candice'. Check it out if your not busy. I'm only 16 (17 on April 8th)
God Bless!
I'm that girl that used to go by the name Ngakaari.
ReplyDeleteI now have a new site with my poetry on it which you can view when you have the time.
I'm 20 btw.
Hey guys, I just scanned in some inside pages to Busy Office, Busy People, so expect to see some more of that book soon...
ReplyDeleteReminds me of my highschool art teacher, circa 1980. He had that 1950s style about his drawings which was what impressed me about him. Those artist just drew right out their heads, unlike me who needs plenty of photo reference.