
Elly in Ink & Gouache

It's always nice to break out the ink and gouache. Trying some things out with my Calico Elly character. Although the calico pattern is a little difficult to convey in paint. But hey, it's always worth playing around here:

Elly fun

Elly fun 2

And who wouldn't want an extra appendage for eating chips out of the bag while reading? I mean, c'mon.


Promo Postcard for 2013

New year, new promo postcard. Here's the back of the card, complete with all the important information that you'd need to ever get a hold of me:

Promo Postcard 2013
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency is my agent and she's been great. She's sitting by the phone, waiting for your call - er, well, she's sitting by her computer, waiting for your email. Yes, that's it. She's ready for anything.

The elephant is a character I've named Calico Elly. You might've seen her before. I've got a story idea for her I've been working on - a picture book idea that would involve Elly and some classmates. Looking forward to seeing where the story process takes me on that one.

Anyway, the front to the postcard is actually detail of a spread from San Francisco, Baby! - the Lombard Street one:

Promo Postcard front