
Saul Bass's Henri's Walk to Paris to be reissued in February

Okay, so this is big news to those of us who collect neat old children's books: Universe (the wonderful imprint of Rizzoli who reissue the marvelous "This Is..." series by M. Sasek) are reissuing one of the rarest children's books out there (well, at least in the circles I hang out in): Henri's Walk to Paris by Leonore Klein and illustrated by designer Saul Bass. As far as we know, it's Bass's only venture into children's books, and it's a doozy: incredible, bold colors, with glorious use of type and design. The best way to check out the book is by visiting Grain Edit, from a post in 2007:

Saul Bass -  Henri's walk to paris c1962

Saul Bass Henri's walk to paris c1962

Saul Bass - Henri's walk to paris c1962

Saul Bass - Henri's walk to paris c1962

Saul Bass - Henri's walk to paris c1962
(All images via Grain Edit.)

Based on how Universe has printed up the Sasek series, I have no worries in quality and color for Henri's Walk. Looking forward to ordering it come February 2012!


  1. I happened upon your blog via your wife's instagram, that I follow. You all are so talented :). Anyways, I inherited a TON of old children's books from the early to mid 1900s from my husband's grandmother and have considered myself a collector of sorts since then. It's awesome to see your blog and the things I love all in one spot. Thanks!

  2. Woww! I am definitely going to check this one out! Saul Bass has always been a favourite :)

  3. awww yeah thanks for the head's up
