At the Butterfly Festival (see photoset here), Ava grabbed Mommy's notepad and a pen and plopped down in front of this wooden butterfly and began to draw it. (It was some sort of decoration as you walked through the garden they had there.) She looked like a true artist on-site: drawing for reference, sketching objects that looked interesting to her, a girl on a mission. Well, I can't find the drawing (or drawings)! I've been trying to locate them but as you may well know, we're kinda in the middle of a moving situation. Kinda busy.
Remember that show In Search Of... from the 70's? It was narrated by the incomparable Leonard Nimoy. I remember watching that show with wide eyes, soaking up as much of the conjectured hooey on UFO's, Bigfoot, Atlantis, and The Bermuda Triangle as I possibly could. I recall as a child going with my entire family to see the feature film In Search of Noah's Ark, although I'm pretty sure that this 1976 film was not cut from the same cloth as the TV show. Also, Leonard didn't narrate the film—Brad Crandall did—which would've been a big letdown for me. The "In Search Of..." TV show lasted until '82 but was resurrected in 2002 on the SciFi Channel, lasting only eight episodes. I guess they didn't realize that people could just go online and search for whatever mystery that baffled them.
Well, now I've got two things I'm currently "in search of": A new house to live in and Ava's butterfly drawing. I promise one of these will be posted later on today. Stay tuned...
well until you find it......this photo is a great substitute. how fun to see a "behind the scenes" look at the famous ava at work :)