
'Twas the Day After Christmas

'Twas the Day After Christmas

Oh, I know it's not after Christmas, but I couldn't wait that long to post this.

Drew this for Tom at LAIKA. He makes a Christmas mix CD each year and asked me to illustrate it for this year. It took me a while to get the concept down, just the way I like it. It's still far from what I originally envisioned, but I like the end result anyway. Plus, I'm happy with the type at the top there. That was a load of fun. Maybe I'll post some of the sketches. There was a lot of trial and error.

I was a little worried about the ultra-pink/purple happening here, but I think it's okay. Not as harsh as I think. Or is it? Are my burned retinas affecting my creative decision making here? Are the violent violets melting my gray matter? The world will never know....

Check him out: Santa just sittin' back, relaxin', listening to some tunes while Rudolf curls up by the fire, the day after the Big Day. Santa likes midcentury modern. He's a modern kinda guy.


  1. This is great, I would love to see your sketches for it!

  2. I have a graphics artist friend who revolts at the idea of putting reds next to greens. Calls them "Christmas Colours."

    Of course, that's appropriate for this season.

    Always trying stuff that other, more experienced people tell me never to do. That does lead to a lot of sucky colour schemes. I try to take good advice, too.

  3. Fabulous! Man, you've got mad skills. How does one go about scoring a copy of said CD?

  4. Very "Shag"-alicious! Cool man. These are colors I haven't seen you use before. I think it's cool to break out of the mold every now and then, so good for you.
    Happy Holidays and such!

  5. Brilliant work, man. When I first saw it, I thought it was one of those old Christmas albums from my childhood. Was it completely hand drawn or done in Illustrator? I know I'm still struggling with Illustrator.

  6. Ed, I'm not sure how to go about making this CD mix available to anyone else. It's just a mix that Tom makes for his contacts each year.

    Mark, this was done in Photoshop. No Illustrator. I drew it with pen on paper, then scanned it and colored it via computer.

  7. Ward, I love this. Would love to post it at musicmamas (of course to your credit) after the big day if you would allow and Tom wouldnt mind. I actually feel the relaxation that's taking place here, and i love the colors.

  8. Nice one, Ward. The image is great and the color palette definitely works. It's a little bright, but not painful. The hand done type is very cool too. Merry Crimbo!
