

I know it's been awhile since any of you have heard from me or andrea, but just to let you know, we made it safe and sound in our new town of Portland, OR, and are currently living out of boxes in our new home. We made it on Sunday, the 25th, but since we don't have internet set up yet (they're supposed to get us hooked up today), we haven't been able to do any updates. I'm at work now -- mad busy already, but will post more updates soon, complete with photos.

We did it! Can't believe we're here. Feels like a big dream....


  1. Glad to hear that you made it! Wow! The west coast must be alot different from Atlanta! Hope all is well. Please tell Andrea I said hi and that I can't wait to hear from her. Congradulations! I can't wait to see all of the photos and to hear about all of the experiences.

  2. Welcome to the West Coast buddy!

  3. Living out of boxes with no internet is rugged! Glad the big adventure went well.

  4. glad you finally made it. i can't believe they put you to work already! where did you end up getting a place? shoot me an email or get in touch somehow and i can show you guys some cool spots.

  5. Great that you've made it in one piece!

  6. weeeessssssiiiiddddeeee! hah congrats on the big move! I bet it feels good to get that out of the way!

  7. Ward, so glad you guys are finally here. I'm so much looking forward to spending time with you and Andrea and your cutie-pie kiddos! Yippie!

  8. Yay! Glad you made it. Can't wait to see pics/hear news.

  9. good to see that you guys made it safely!!

  10. Nice! Wanna see, wanna see!
