
Some Seasonal Ephemera

Howdy, kids. Hope you're getting into the Christmas-y mood. I know that there's snow on the ground over half of the country right now (well, I'm pretty sure it is, I think), so that's a good thing, right? Unless you're having to go out in said weather and get stuck in parking lots and long lines at the Post Office. In that case, sorry.

Well, to help you get in the mood, I've been saving these things for you. A couple of booklets, one from 1958, the other from 1954:

KVP Season's Greetings
KVP Season's Greetings: Christmas 1958: a booklet of carols for Christmastime. Illustrator: Hank Kolodziej.

In case you want to know, KVP stands for Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Company. You're welcome.

By the way, I did a little research on Hank Kolodziej, and all I could find was this item on Ebay and a mention in this exhibit on automobile ads during the 60's and 70's, called Drawing Power: Motor City Ad Art in the Age of Muscle and Chrome. Awesome. Sounds like my kinda guy.

Here's some of the other spreads in this booklet (there's more in my Flickr):

KVP Season's Greetings 2

KVP Season's Greetings 4

KVP Season's Greetings 5

KVP Season's Greetings 9

KVP Season's Greetings 10

KVP Season's Greetings 11

KVP Season's Greetings 12
The image above is the inside cover, front (on left) and back (on right).

The following is a little book on Christmas Trees, barely 12 pages long. Something I found in a bundle of various ephemeral items at some antique shop. Didn't really know what it was, but once I opened it up and saw all the wonderful drawings, I had to get it. Plus, the text is by T. S. Eliot. I mean, c'mon! Great stuff.

The Cultivation of Christmas Trees
The Cultivation of Christmas Trees, by T. S. Eliot. Typography, binding and decorations by Enrico Arno. ©1954, 1956.

Enrico Arno has a great style here. This book looks pretty interesting. I might have to buy it.

The Cultivation of Christmas Trees 2
The note in the corner says: "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Ward Taylor 1956." Now, what are the odds that a guy named "Ward" actually gave this as a gift over 50 years ago? And that another Ward found it? Boggles the mind.

The Cultivation of Christmas Trees 3

The Cultivation of Christmas Trees 4

The Cultivation of Christmas Trees 5

The Cultivation of Christmas Trees 6

New Holiday avatar
Oh, and one more thing. Thought I'd get into the spirit of things by creating a new icon for Flickr & Twitter. 'Tis the Season! Here's to a great and wonderful Christmas Season, guys.


  1. Hey Ward, those Cultivation of Christmas Trees illustrations are stunning! And you'd never know it from the cover!!

    Swedish woman has to walk very carefully ...

  2. ¿Spain at américa? That's absolutely wrong, Spain is at Europe and children doesn't broke anithing for chritsmas.
    The illustrations are funny, but the data are false.

  3. Those are both gorgeous.

    Nice finds.
