Funny how time flies. Didn't even realize that it's been about two weeks since I've last posted something. First off, I'm happy to say that both Pasha and Diana received their
Ward-O-Matic Etsy prints. We tracked down Diana after a couple of days of searching. I'm happy that they both seemed happy to receive the prints. It's a great thrill to know that your work is hanging on the walls of complete strangers' homes. I guess it's an aspect of being an artist to have your work shown and presented in a manner that's
out there, and not laying around in your basement or buried deep within the confines of your hard drive. Enjoy your prints, Pasha and Diana! I had a lot of fun making them!
Okay, now onto some serious vintage ephemera. I have to come clean here: I've been holding out on you all, so to make it up to you, here's a bunch of old stuff from my collection (Click on each to view Flickr page):
Let's start of with a cool book cover for
The Plague And I, by Betty MacDonald, who also wrote
The Egg And I. Published in 1948. No mention of illustrator:

Damascus Cook Book cover, illustrated by "Butte":

No mention of date, but probably late 40's to 50's. Inside, there are some sweet two-color illustrations:

Gordon's Vodka booklet cover (probably late 50's to early 60's) illustrated by
Kelly Oechsli. Kelly gets instant street cred for illustrating Muppet and Fraggle Rock books for kids later on:

More nice illos by Mr. Oechsli inside:

I love this wraparound illustration for this
Carnation Easy-Does-It Cook Book. Great characters, great color:

Inside, there are tons of wonderful ink illos. Here's but a small sample:

More wraparound goodness on this
Creative Cookery brochure from Swift's Premium. Again, no mention of artist:

Of course, it's much better to see it
Fire Safety Suggestions brochure from the 50's:

This is a fun one from 1958.
Fire Chief Hook'n'ladder fire prevention pamphlet illustrated and designed by the incredibly talented
Albert Aquino:

This pamphlet opens up in the middle. Notice that you can see the slight dark silhouettes of the Fire Chief in the house, pointing to areas where a fire could start in each room. Actually, that's what they want you to see when you hold the pamphlet up to the light. Man, I love that lettering:

Here's the back to the pamphlet, with all the Fire Chief silhouettes in the house. Problem is, the white emblem on his cap makes it look like his eye, and the bill of the cap looks like his nose (in the silhouettes):

Last, but not least, we have
Mothers At Work, a pamphlet on, well, mothers at work. Around the house. 1960's. Part of the
MetLife Insurance pamphlet series. Oh, yeah. No mention of artist:

I have two others from this series. Some day I'll get the entire set. (Like I have the time.) The other two:

There. How's that for a bunch of old, musty ephemera for this fine Wednesday! Enjoy.