Figured I'd pass on some more links I've unearthed throughout my cyber-travels of recent. Bonus points for those who might've noticed a couple of new changes along with some new links over on the right column there. I've been meaning to clean up some of the links, with easier catagories to sort through, but in the meantime, I decided to add a new catagory that is a bit close to my heart:
All about me. Since this is my own blog, I realized I did not have a particular area for those who are unfamiliar with who I am and what I do. So, you can now check out a couple of links that showcase my work, my photos, my wife's blog, and my workplace. Nothing like a good ol' fashioned big, fat ego, eh?
Onto the new links:
Animationblogs, there are a couple of blogs that I check out from time-to-time, as some of these guys have some good things to say about the industry.
Keith Lango is an animator from Dallas, Texas, who updates his blog very regularly. He even offers some tutorials on a subscriber basis, and better yet, some of the tutorials are available in several different languages. Great job, Keith!
Notorious Newsquirt is the moniker of Jason Newkirk, a 3D animator from Seattle, Washington. He's been in the gaming industry for 8 years. Give him a pound, y'all.
And now, with the advent of blogs, it was only a matter of time before the people behind the production of animation for TV would pick up on the phenomenon and start their own production blogs, or "plogs." The first, of course, is Lili and Eddie's
Fwak! Blog, which pretty much was there from the beginning, before everybody got on the bloggity-blogging bandwagon (including me). Now, we have
The Wubblog, and
The Teenage Roblog. All are fascinating in checking out the inspirations, the progress, the people involved in the making of a particular show.

In the
Artblogs section, be sure to check out
Snyde Remarks, the blog to artist/illustrator
Csnyde (not sure how to list that name). Also, how can I not mention my good internet-pal, Steve Mack? Steve has a great blog, showcasing his latest work (most notably, his Illustration Friday submissions) at
Spot Illustration. Go there, NOW.

I just recently posted on
Drawn!, a fantastic artist who's the artistic director and background designer for such shows as
Samurai Jack and
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends:
Dan Krall. Wonderful paintings with great style and flair. I especially love his drawings and caricatures, as he definitely has a
Ronald Searle feel to them. And I love Searle with his scathingly funny drawings. (Another site about Searle

Krall's caricatures of celebrities are stretched and pulled, with no holds barred: the way any good caricaturist should be with their subjects. No holding back.
Al Hirschfeld, considered one of the best caricaturists that ever lived, didn't hold back and he did his thing for about 80 years.
I've added a new link catagory:
Art Minded -- of, or having to do with sites that are anything art-related, such as artists, illustrators, and animators who do the art-thing on the side. I've had the great luxury of interacting with some of these wonderful artists, such as
Jen Lerew,
Steve Mack, Nathan Mazur (
Scared of Bees), and
Paige Pooler, through my blog. Some wonderfully gifted people with fabulous personalities. I'm honored to know them. (You gotta love the internet.) Anyway, I know that there's a lot of leeway here in trying to figure out where do I draw the line between artist and animator, but like I said, I might have to do some more organizing in this matter. In the meantime, please check out some great work by these fantastic artists I've featured here. I'll definitely be updating this section periodically, so be sure to check back often.
Hey --where are the dance blogs? Anybody? If you're into dance, be sure to check out my wife's blog,
hula seventy, as she has a couple of links to dance companies and dancers who've inspired her and who deserve more exposure than they're probably getting. We're talking modern dance and the power of movement here. I've seen some of the dancers she's linked in motion, and they are indeed impressive. Give them some love.
Gotta run.