Finally found it. This is the photo that I mentioned in my Ghosts of Halloween Past post from two Halloweens ago. Mom came through for me and did some digging in the attic (or basement) to resurrect this nice photographic relic for all to enjoy. Much appreciated, moms.
I'm 11 months old here, forced to wear some blanket-with-rabbit-ears sort of thingy, tied ascot? I'm told that I have such a strange look on my face because my mom was laughing so hard while trying to take the picture.
Halloween is one of our favorite holidays around the Jenkins houshold. The windows are filled with paper pumpkins & ghosts, the yard is covered with acres of stringy, fake webs, and yes, the pumpkins have been gutted and carved. There was a slight fear that it would rain tonight, but perhaps that was just an ugly rumor. Let's hope & pray that it was and that our little genie & Spider-Man will have a nice, safe & dry night of trick-or-treating.
Here's the part wherein I plug my new website,, and upon visiting the site, you'll see that it's only a 'coming soon' page with two active links: one to my email and the other to my blog, which, upon clicking takes you right back here whereupon you'll see that I've posted about my new website,, and upon visiting the site, you'll see that it's only a 'coming soon' page, with two active links and then you'll realize that you've stumbled upon some strange möbius strip linkage, going back & forth between my site and blog, site & blog, back & forth, back & forth, etc, and then after suddenly waking up from this cycle, you'll find the urge to email me, asking me to do some fantastic animation work or some brilliant illustration work or some amazing direction, etc., blah, blah, blah.....okay okay I'll stop.
Thanks to John for the hosting part and to my ATL buddy Eric for the getting it up and running part -- am trying my best to not have those words "coming soon!" up for long. Expect some updates in the next couple of weeks. Really? My goal is to have this done by my 40th birthday. For those who know, that's not too far away.
It was late. All the people were gone. The dancers had left the building, and the only ones hanging around the Grassy Knoll after the opening were me, Andrea, the gallery owners: Robert & Renee, and the kids. The kids. Boy, let me tell ya: Ava & Ezra were real troopers throughout the entire evening -- I was so impressed by how well they behaved by the end of it, I almost thought that they had been replaced by someone else's older kids. I could tell they enjoyed the evening. But by this time, it was well past 9:30pm and they were getting bored, waiting for us older folks to shut our traps and get us on home.
So, to pass time, Ava grabbed my camera and took some photos.
I love this shot.
Ezra then grabbed the camera and took some shots himself:
Wow. I'm still speechless, and it's been over a week since the opening reception for my solo show "b-boy". First of all, I want to thank everyone who came out to support. It was an exhilarating experience, from conceptualization to research to sketching to painting and, finally, to exhibiting the work. It's been one of the most difficult projects I've ever taken on, but also one of the most satisfying. I'm extremely proud of the work I was able to crank out for the Grassy Knoll Gallery and my only hope for those of you who stopped by that evening of October 2nd is that you caught a mere glimpse of all the hard work that was put into it. A wild ride, but completely and totally worth it.
I've put together a Flickr set from the show, along with some work-in-progress shots, in case you're into that sort of thing. I know a lot of you artist-types usually are. Checkit: b-boy.
Also, check out more of Andrea's photos from the opening here.
Not one for the words, so I'll let the photos speak for themselves (with a few captions, for info's sake):
This was the first time I had a chance to see all (or, almost all) the paintings together.
For the wood and cardboard pieces I used india ink for the linework. Loved the pure blacks I was getting.
I even employed Spidey to help out:
The following two shots of me laying out the paintings the day before the show by Andrea:
Day of the show:
Gallery co-owner Renee Marcotte makes it all official by putting up the labels.
It was wild to see people I knew there. Even wilder to see people I didn't know.
Here's what they were checking out:
Moon Patrol Crew was amazing. Really made the show. Thanks, guys for putting on such an incredible performace.
Ezra wanted to get out there so badly. He was ready, getting up slightly after each dancer, but would sit back down when the next b-boy hit the floor. Seriously, I would've paid money to see him get out on the floor and do his version of breakin'.
To see more photos from the evening, check out my b-boy Flickr set.
For those of you who weren't able to go to the opening reception and want to see the exhibit, you can contact Renee Marcotte at 1-503-449-7484 and she'll be able to set up an appointment for ya. The show will be up for the entire months of October and November. If you can't make it to Portland, yet still curious about what it's all about, you can see all the paintings at Grassy Knoll Gallery's online store. Yes, they're affordable.
Again, I'm so thankful for everyone who showed up last Thursday, the 2nd. It was a memorable night for me & my family.
With my show opening just days away tomorrow, I'm deep in it. My workspace downstairs looks like a true artist's enclave, with a vast array of paint & supplies sprawled all around. Never been one for the organizing thing, so you can only imagine. Well, here's a little peek at my desk for ya. That should tide you over, I guess. And if you want to see some more sneaky peeks, then check out the Flickr. Hopefully it'll wet your appetite for what's to come. Hopefully it'll make you want to get in your car and drive 300 or 400 (or however many) miles on Thursday evening just to see what else might be up on the Grassy Knoll Gallery's walls. Hopefully it'll make you want to plunk down hundreds of dollars for all the tasty artwork that's being offered. I know it will. Just know it.
The Grassy Knoll Gallery is owned & operated by Robert Lewis and Renee Marcotte and is located in the historic Merchant Hotel in Old Town, Portland. Robert is head of Fashion Buddha, an animation & design studio that shares its space with the gallery (the gallery is actually in its spacious foyer). What's interesting to note is the gallery's description: The Grassy Knoll is a unique gallery specializing in the work of innovative animators and illustrators.... I found this especially intriguing, what with me being both an animator AND and illustrator. It seemed only right that Robert & I connected.
I'm extemely honored to have a show at Grassy Knoll. The roster of previous artists who've shown their work is staggering: Amy Ruppel, Evan B. Harris, Alberto Cerriteno; I mean, I really don't deserve to be included with such company. And look who's coming up after me: Joel Trussell! Right on.
Regarding the show itself: "b-boy" came out of the conceptual illustrations I had done years before and had posted here on my blog several months ago. There was potential for an entire show with this theme and I went with it, eager to see where it would take me. Utilizing mostly "found" materials for the surfaces, such as cardboard, wood, linoleum, and formica, I wanted to forge a connection between the subject matter and said items. Dancers from back in the day had to improvise with whatever they could find to dance on. Concrete and asphalt was certainly not susceptible for backspins and windmills, so cardboard and linoleum were the usual preferred surfaces.
Never one to go with the grain, I've rarely worked on canvas. Back in college, I painted on cardboard out of necessity -- I couldn't afford canvas. I was working at a movie theater at the time and we'd get shipments of promotional standees -- they came in these huge cardboard boxes that provided me with acres of painting space. Perfect for what I had in mind. What was enjoyable for me working with cardboard was the fact that it's malleable -- I could add and subtract to a particular piece at will. Even though the actual surface of cardboard took some getting used to (a couple coats of gesso helped), it was the workable and shape-shifting nature of the material that inspired me. The fact that I could go beyond the typical square or rectangular painting dimensions was very appealing.
There's some great dancing to be had the night of the opening. I've done a little searching and found some great videos of Portland's own Moon Patrol Crew -- three members of which will be performing Thursday night at the Grassy Knoll. I'm incredibly excited! Here, check out their performance, "Toprock", at the PICA:Time Based Art festival:
That's such a sweet deal there. Love the fact that they took the 'toprocking' aspect of breaking and incorporated it into a singular performance, with several dancers. Very nice.
Here's a cool battle between Moon Patrol Crew & Def Con 5 at the recent Juice Jam (Moon Patrol kids are on the same side as the cameraman, facing the DC5 boys):
Hope that gets ya off your seat and down to Old Town.
If you can't make it for the opening, no problem. The show will be up for the entire months of October and November -- just call the studio to set up a time to come and check it out. Robert & Renee will be more than willing to open the doors for you.
Okay. Gotta finish this one last painting. See ya tomorrow!