I am sitting here in a mad scramble to finish up these notes for my very first class I'll be teaching tomorrow. Yes, that's correct. I'll be teaching a class on children's book illustration for
Portland State University for the second half of this semester. I'm scrambling to get these notes together, to make sure I don't sound like an idiot and what am I doing? Posting something for the blog? I know, it doesn't make sense, but I don't care. I need a little bit of a break from all this note-taking and image-gathering, just to gather my thoughts somehow. It's been a long time coming, some folks have said to me. I agree. To a point. I've always enjoyed talking to students about what I do (I've done several appearances in the past couple of years wherein I've talked about my career, shown a few tricks of the trade & how I work, and showcased some of my vintage book collection), but it's an entirely different thing to actually
teach. The more I think about it, the more nervous I get.
I hope I'm up for it. I guess I better be, huh? After all, it's only the potential careers of 11 some odd art & design students that're on the line here, right?
Many thanks (or blame) to
Kate Bingaman Burt for roping me into doing this. She & her co-horts got a good thing going on at the
Graphic Design department at PSU. Looking forward to being a part of the mix.