Illustration for an upcoming book by Von Glitschka. Stay tuned for more details...Things that are very apparent to me now that I'm looking for work: 1. Should've learned Flash
2. Should've learned Maya
3. Should've worked at becoming a technical director
4. Should've worked at becoming a compositor
5. Should've worked at becoming a web developer
I've found plenty of job openings for the positions listed above. If you're wanting to do any of these particular jobs, then you're in luck because with each job search done on the umpteenth animation job search website (and otherwise), tons of companies are needing Flash animators, Maya animators, TD's, compositors and TONS of web design work. Not sure if the pay's going to be any good (for Flash, that is), but hey, the opportunities are there.
Things I have going for me: 1. 12 years experience
2. I love animating
3. I love drawing
4. I look at things differently
Things I have going against me:1. I'd rather stay in Portland
2. I'm looking for freelance gigs
3. I'm a traditional animator -- can't do Flash
I've been asked if I can do Flash so many times it's not even funny. Looks like I need to start learnin'. I can do After Effects, but not to the extent that some companies are asking when it comes to A/E work. Usually they need some serious compositors, not just some dude who's done mostly animatics and moving storyboards. I know
a few things in that program, but not all the bells and whistles that that program has to offer. I'd love to stay in Portland because we've slowly immersed ourselves into this community, and we've come to love this town more and more. I'd understand and respect the fact that if a great opportunity should happen upon us we'd have to move, but really, we'd love to stay if at all possible.
Things I'm working on:1. Storyboard gig for a commercial
2. My portfolio website
3. Going to Ottawa
4. An art show
5. An overall optimistic attitude
So, all is not lost -- I'm happy to report that I'm currently working on storyboards for a commercial. This is great, since it'll keep me and my family here for, oh, lessee....another month. Now if I can only maintain this...
I've finally entered the 21st century and registered my domain name. will be up and running soon. However, it's taken me a lot longer than expected. I'm trying to learn some basic Dreamweaver as I go along -- this along with doing storyboards and working on my portfolio and so on and so on....I'll probably have to employ a friend to help me with this endeavor. Yikes.
Because of my current situation, I've decided to go to the
Ottawa International Animation Festival, even without any money. As some of you may know, I'm a big fan of festivals, especially OIAF. This'll be my fourth time going, but first time completely unemployed and looking for a job. It feels like this year I'll be a true, active participant in the game, whereas the other times I was merely a spectator. Participant meaning in the manner of landing a job -- on that Saturday there's
Animators For Hire, a recuiting event that's always eluded me because, well,
I was never looking for a job. Expect to see my bright and shiny face at this thing this year. Going to Ottawa will be a strain financially, but I've been able to enlist some help to at least get me there (thank you thank you thank you -- you know who you are). Now, all I have to do is find someone willing to split a hotel with me.
An art show? A solo show? You've got to be kiddin' me -- that's what I said to the guy who owns this cool little gallery here in Portland. I'll post more about it at a later date, once all the details are ironed out. But, yeah...crazy, isn't it? Can't believe it!
Funny how I haven't posted as much here as I thought once I was let go from my previous employer. I thought for sure I'll be boring the tears out of everyone by my incessant blog activity. But no, it's been relatively quiet around here, hasn't it? Priorities change when careers are on the line. Funny how that is. So, we'll see how it goes with Ottawa. I hope that something works out. I'm sure it will -- it always does, doesn't it? Especially when I have family and friends supporting us, giving us that extra push needed.
We'll see how it goes.